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Desert Mission Adult Day Health CareDesert Mission Adult Day Health Care

Seniors with dementia, physical impairments or other health conditions should not be left at home alone.

But so many families face a heartbreaking decision. Do they leave a job they need to stay home and care for a beloved senior, or take the chance that everything will be ok while they are gone?

With the help of HonorHealth Desert Mission Adult Day Health Care, they have a better choice. This program provides affordable, personalized care throughout the day for seniors who are unable to stay at home alone without a care partner.

Desert Mission Adult Day Health Care is the only program of its kind in the City of Phoenix. While the program provides enrichment activities to the member in attendance, they also provide wrap around services for the member as well as their care partner, with a full-time social worker and registered nurse to coordinate care at the center and within their community.

Fast Facts:

  • 25 percent of the members served at Desert Mission Adult Day Health Care are veterans.
  • 1 in 10 American seniors age 65+ has a dementia diagnosis. In Arizona, as many as 200,000 will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2025. 
  • 7 out of 10 seniors over age 65 will require assistance with completing their daily tasks and managing their health. In Arizona, 261,000 individuals provide unpaid care to these seniors. These individuals are spouses, adult children, other family members or close friends who take on the role of care partners.
  • Senior members' nursing care is provided on-site by HonorHealth RNs who manage medications, wound care and other health needs.
  • Adult Day Health Care programs are critical not just for the member receiving the services, but for the care-providing partners who must work during the day, or need a break from stressful, ongoing caregiving obligations. This service provides the care-providing partners some much-needed time to recharge and continue to offer compassionate care to their loved one.

Your support makes it possible to provide this safe, enriching care for seniors. Please make your gift today!