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May 2024

As Mother’s Day draws near, I find myself reflecting on the extraordinary impact mothers have on our lives. Their love, guidance and unwavering support shape us into the people we are today. To all the mothers in our community, I want to extend my warmest wishes for a joyful Mother’s Day.

Words alone cannot express the depth of gratitude we owe to the remarkable women who fill our lives with love and light. Whether it's a mother, grandmother, aunt or mentor, their influence is profound and everlasting. They are the silent heroes who lift us up during the good times and hold us close during the difficult ones.

As Abraham Lincoln so beautifully articulated, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.” These words resonate deeply, reminding us of the immeasurable debt we owe to those who have nurtured and shaped us.

At HonorHealth Foundation, we are fortunate to be surrounded by earth angels — both within our team and among our generous donors. The dedication and compassion exhibited by our staff and supporters alike are truly awe-inspiring. Every day, they selflessly give their time, talent and resources to advance our work to provide resources at HonorHealth that find cures, save lives and transform healthcare.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us also take a moment to honor the invaluable contributions of you. Your generosity knows no bounds, and your commitment to making the world a better place is nothing short of extraordinary. It is through your kindness and compassion that we are able to create positive change and build a healthier, happier community.

To all the mothers who enrich our lives in countless ways, we at HonorHealth Foundation extend our heartfelt thanks. Your love, care and generosity make the world a brighter, more beautiful place. Happy Mother’s Day, and may your heart be filled with love and joy today and always.

With sincere appreciation and warmest wishes,

Jared A. Langkilde, MBA, CFRE
President & CEO


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HonorHealth Foundation PiA May 2024 mass casualty Kevlar

Veteran and philanthropist arms military medics with Kevlar

Donors play an indispensable role in shaping the fabric of our community and extending their impact far beyond its borders — in this case — across our nation.

We are profoundly grateful to Rex and Margie Porter for their steadfast commitment and invaluable support of the HonorHealth Military Partnership program.

Their recent gift, earmarked for Kevlar vests and helmets, has revolutionized the mass casualty simulation training at the Military Partnership Training Center in Scottsdale. This investment not only enhances the realism of the exercises but also ensures that our military personnel and local first responders receive the most comprehensive trauma training possible.

“The vests and helmets have made a great impact. The medic has to adapt to the weight, loss of mobility and visual obstructions,” states Roxanne Flynn RN, MSN, CHSE, Director of Military and Community Partnerships. “A side benefit is the new medics have to learn how to adjust it to fit them so this generosity has added a valuable dimension to our mass casualty training and we are so grateful to Rex and Margie.”

Rex's personal experience in the Air Force, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11, where he wore Kevlar gear daily, deeply informed their decision. Following his encounter with the Military Partnership simulation earlier this year, Rex approached Roxanne to discuss how they could contribute.

Roxanne promptly integrated their suggestion into the Military Partnership Wish List, and thanks to the generosity of the Porters, their vision became a reality. The addition of Kevlar gear has introduced a whole new level of authenticity to the training sessions, enriching the experience for all involved.

Reflecting on his military service, Rex expressed his pride in being able to enhance the training experience for future generations of servicemen and women. "As a 23-year Air Force veteran, I'm immensely gratified to contribute to the realism of mass casualty simulations through the provision of Kevlar gear," he remarked.

Margie and Rex, your unwavering dedication and generosity are truly life-saving. Your support ensures that our military nurses, medics and local first responders are equipped with the tools and training they need to face any challenge with confidence and competence.

Thank you for your trust and generosity.


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HonorHealth Foundation - PiA May 2024 - Nursing Excellence Endowment Scholarship Luncheon

Celebrating the heart of healthcare

In the bustling corridors of hospitals, the tranquil rooms of clinics and the comforting spaces of homes, there exists a remarkable group of individuals whose dedication knows no bounds. They are the unsung heroes of healthcare, the compassionate souls who bring warmth and healing to vulnerable patients.

As we embark on Nurses Week 2024, we are honored to shine a spotlight on these extraordinary individuals whose tireless efforts and unwavering commitment form the very foundation of the HonorHealth care system.

Nurses Week, observed annually from May 6 to May 12, is a celebration unlike any other—a time to honor the invaluable contributions of nurses locally and worldwide. It's a moment to reflect on their selfless service, their boundless empathy and their profound impact on the lives they touch.

Recently, we spotlighted the nurses who were scholarship recipients in 2023, showcasing their continued dedication and commitment to advance their certifications and education for even more comprehensive patient care. This education journey is made possible through the steadfast support and kindness of our donors at HonorHealth, whose unwavering generosity fuels our scholarship programs, including the Nursing Excellence Endowment.

In 2023, more than 220 scholarships were awarded to advance the continuing education and training of nurses so that they have the latest knowledge and skills to best serve patients! As we embrace Nurses Week and say “thank you” with open arms and hearts, let us not only celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of nurses but also reaffirm our commitment to supporting and uplifting them in their noble calling.

Happy Nurses Week!


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HonorHealth Foundation PiA May 2024 Blaise patient story

Desert Mission community services help senior on fixed income

Blaise, a senior on a fixed income, arrived at Desert Mission Food Bank in a state of distress. Despite his best efforts, the 64-year-old, reliant on social security income, found himself struggling to make ends meet. Recently served with an eviction notice, he had attempted to work with the Department of Economic Security to access the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). However, as months passed without any progress, Blaise's hope waned, and he feared homelessness.

Thankfully, the caring staff at Desert Mission was able to step in and offer Blaise the specific support he needed. Receiving technology support and personalized guidance, he was able to resubmit his ERAP application. The DM community services specialist further helped with the completion of lease paperwork.

In a heart-warming turn of events, Blaise's ERAP application was approved, and he received the much-needed rental assistance. He was able to keep his apartment.

Desert Mission exists to support the vulnerable like Blaise by facilitating connections with housing assistance agencies and other community services.

Because of you, Desert Mission stands as a beacon of hope for Blaise and countless others facing similar challenges. Your generosity transforms lives and ensures that individuals like Blaise receive the assistance they need to navigate through adversity with dignity and resilience.


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HonorHealth Foundation - PiA May 2024 - Shop Dillard'sShop Dillard’s and give back health and wellness

This May 10 - 11 at Dillard’s, when you and your friends have completed your summer shopping, take your items to a designated register (look for the balloons) to complete your purchases. A portion of your purchase returns to HonorHealth Foundation – supporting the health and wellness of your community!

Thank you for your support!

HonorHealth Foundation - PiA May 2024 - mothers dayMother’s Day Celebration

To all the mothers in the world, we wish you a day of love, laughter and cherished moments!


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Here at HonorHealth, we know that nursing is a work of Honor. Our expert nurses hold themselves to a high standard because what they do is not just a job for them. Caring for those in need is their calling. It is what they were meant to do.

Join us as we celebrate our incredible nurses this month and learn more about their important work and the ways they are supported by the HonorHealth Nursing Excellence Endowment.

HonorHealth Foundation - PiA May 2024 - National Nurses Month video